Jack White Is So F'ing Mad At The University of Oklahoma For Publishing His Super Secret Guacamole Recipe


USA TodayIt all started when a student news outlet — the Oklahoma Daily — wrote about Jack White’s tour rider, which included a very specific recipe for guacamole. And a ban on bananas. Not to mention an $80,000 price tag.

Jack White got mad. And posted a note on his website, saying the reporting was “unfortunate, unprofessional, and very unwelcoming.” But that didn’t help things die down.

So now he has shared another, stronger letter with media since “this seems to be all anyone can ask me about lately.”

He offers up “the real deal, and hopefully it’ll explain this nonsensical scenario and we can move on with our lives. (or what have you).”

White says he has “no specific demands in my dressing room. i know i could ask for lots of things but i actually dont ask for ANYTHING. i take with me what i need, and that aint much.”

He says the rider specifics are for the band and the crew and the guacamole recipe “is my hilarious tour manager’s inside joke with the local promoters.” White says it’s “his recipe not mine. It’s just something to break up the boredom, seeing who can make it best.” Although, he adds, “I wouldn’t know because I’ve never had it.”

The rider is not about being a diva, he insists. It’s “just some food and drinks backstage for the hundred workers and guests who have to live in a concrete bunker for 15 hours.”

He also says he isn’t mad at University of Oklahoma students. “Absolutely not.” But he is disappointed in “young journalists at their school paper.”

He urges them to “look for real problems instead next time. Look for the truth, not fake drama.”



Read Jack White’s Open Letter 




Out of all the celebrity feuds I’ve covered over the years, I can say with a lot of confidence that Jack White vs. the University of Oklahoma over a published guacamole recipe is right up there at the top.  Jack White just absolutely furious that some Oklahoma student journalists would blow up his guac like that.  Legitimate beef.  Like the modern day Biggie vs 2Pac, Death Row vs. Bad Boy, Nas vs. Jay Z.   Jack White vs. pimple faced college sophomores who tweeted the cilantro-to-lime-juice ratio of his guacamole.


And don’t get me wrong, I’m kind of on his side here.  Like this guac recipe is freaking legit.




I wouldn’t want that thing going viral either.  Does Coke tweet their secret formula out?  I mean forget the invasion of privacy, the lack of ethics making his rider public and displaying the amount of money he was paid – the sheer amount of money Jack just lost out on for the patent on the “remove the pit but SAVE THE PITS THOUGH” move has got to be in the millions if not billions.

Come on Oklahoma, have some journalistic integrity for me and Jack, just one time.



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